On Thursday, February 24th, RWNA held its Annual Meeting, which covered a number of topics that are relevant to our community. You can view the agenda and slides for the meeting here.
If you would like to watch the recording, which featured speakers from the City of Bend on the topics of houselessness, code changes, and road works projects, you can find the recording here. The passcode to view the recording is 5vGTcD!7.
The meeting opened with the Treasurer’s Report, an update on the recent ballot appointing two new board members, Gina Franzosa, Member at Large, TSP and Land Use; Ashley McNeill, Member at Large, Communications; and Stephanie Higgins, returning as Board Chair. Board members will serve a two year term. Learn more about the RWNA Board or how you can volunteer.
The meeting then welcomed panelists from the City.
Brittany Barker, Principle Engineer for the City, shared an update on Newport Corridor improvements and. Awbrey Butte Waterline improvements. You can find the slides from her presentation here, along with her contact info.
Ryan Oster, Engineering Director for the City, shared an update on GO Bond projects, as well as plans for Galveston Corridor. His slides, along with his contact info, follow Brittany’s in the presentation linked above.
Gena Goodman-Campbell address the topic of houselessness in the City of Bend, and within the RWNA.
Dana Richards shared an update on Project Turnkey.
The meeting was called to a close at approx. 8:45 p.m.