Phone numbers (541 area code)
- Abandoned Vehicles Hotline, 312-7972
- Animal Control, dangerous wild animals call 911, loose domesticated animals, 322-2960 or 693-6911
- City of Bend Help Desk, 388-5505
- Construction Debris, James Goff, Code Enforcement, 312-4908
- Construction Dust, Noise, Emissions, Engineering, 388-5558
- Damaged Roads, Street Maintenance Supervisor, Public Works, 317-3000
- Dangerous Object Removal (suspicious items, bombs, explosives) call 911, if not dangerous, 388-5505
- Dogs Barking, Bend Police Dispatch, 693-6911
- Fireworks complaints, Bend Police Dispatch, 693-6911
- Graffiti Hotline, 312-7973
- Hazardous Waste Removal, Public Works, 388-5505
- Intersection Construction or Design, 693-2180
- Lost Pets, Humane Society, 382-3537
- Public Works, Water/Sewer repair, 317-3000 or 318-7457
- Road Debris, Public Works, 317-3000
- Senior Citizen Assistance, Outreach In Home Care 389-5224
- Golden Age, 389-1752, Meals On Wheels, 382-3008
- Speeding Cars/Negligent Drivers, call Bend Police Dispatch with license plate number and a description of the driver and vehicle, 693-6911
- Traffic Light Outage, emergency call 911, non-emergency 317-3000
To offer corrections or to add something to the list, let us know at: riverwestneighborhoodbend@gmail.comEmergency Snow Zone Parking Restrictions
If we get any big snow storms this winter, you’ll need to know this! Two winters ago, with record-breaking snow fall, the City identified locations where on-street parking contributed to increasingly narrow roads that became challenging for two-way traffic flow. During declared snow emergencies, the City will ask that those targeted streets be cleared of parked cars, to help crews plow from curb to curb and prevent unmanageable berms in the travel lanes. Last winter, the City kicked-off a pilot program to designate targeted Snow Emergency Zone parking restrictions during snow emergencies. However, due to the mild winter, no snow emergencies were declared. The City will keep this pilot program in place in the event of a large snow storm. Emergency Snow Zones for the winter of 2018-19 are: • Wall Street (Portland Avenue to Colorado Avenue) • Bond Street (Wall Street to Colorado Avenue) • Chandler Avenue (Mt. Washington Drive to Century Drive) • Portland Street (11th Street to College Way) • NE Courtney Drive (27th Street to Conners Avenue) • NE Conners Avenue (27th Street to Courtney Drive) • NW Broadway Street (Franklin Avenue / Riverside Boulevard to Colorado Avenue) • NW Tumalo Avenue (Riverside Boulevard to Broadway Street) • 17th Street and Troon Avenue (Galveston Avenue to Mt. Washington Drive) After the City Manager declares a “snow emergency,” there will be a 12-hour period of time when parking will not be allowed on these streets. This allows for complete plowing of the street from curb to curb. Once a street has been completely plowed from curb to curb, drivers are welcome to return to the street to park during the snow emergency. To receive notifications when a snow emergency is declared, people can sign up for “snow emergency notifications” at to. (Those who have signed up for other news notifications you will need to go into enews and change preferences to include emergency snow zone notifications.) Or, check if it’s snowing to find out if a snow emergency has been declared. People can also call City of Bend Streets and Operations at 541-323-5980 to find out if a snow emergency has been declared. The City doesn’t intend to tow cars, but if crews have to tow, to create safe streets, it will be at no cost to the driver and relocation areas will be identified. “Do your neighbors a favor: Don’t get plowed around,” said Streets and Operations Department Director David Abbas. “Plowing around parked cars can end up leaving a berm that would be difficult for a person with a shovel to remove.”
Everyone has a responsibility to prepare for winter.
Learn what to expect at
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Web links
City of Bend Office of Neighborhood Associations
Neighborhood Association resources, including Neighborhood Association handbook
Resources to help our neighbors in need
Pandemic Partners
Good Samaritan Program
- Email RWNA to express interest
Mountain Star Family Relief Nursery
The Giving Plate
Deschutes County COVID Updates
- We have seen cases spike during the Holiday season this year, please do all you can to safely social distance, wear a mask, wash hands frequently, reduce gathering and stay home when you are not feeling well
City of Bend COVID
Mask fine increased to $750 in November
Bend LaPine School Distract
Comprehensive distance learning continues into the 2020-2021 school year
- Meal service is still available
Neighborhood Greenways
Phase 2 continues in RW take a walk down Harmon to see how our street safety initiatives have improved our community
Portland project
- bike lane safety
Newport Corridor project
- Storm Drain improvements between College Way and 9th
Go Bond how does it affect RWNA
- Taking applications for the GO Bond Oversight Committee
Household Hazardous Waste accepted at Knott Landfill
The Deschutes County Department of Solid Waste’s Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) facility accepts waste from businesses two days each month (Thursdays) and the general public four days each month (two Friday/Saturday collection events). Pre-registration and appointments are required.
The HHW facility is located at the Knott Landfill Recycling and Transfer Facility, 61050 SE 27th St. in Bend. Some of the materials accepted include: fluorescent lights and bulbs, garden products (Pesticides, Herbicides, Fertilizers, etc), vehicle maintenance products (fuels, antifreeze, brake fluid, etc), paint, solvents, chemicals, fuels, poisons, aerosols, household cleaning products, thermometers and more.
Paint and used motor oil are accepted, but may be recycled anytime at the recycling center during normal business hours.
The public and businesses are asked to please call 317-3163 to make an appointment.